Black Magic Waterless Car Wash Review & Alternatives

Black Magic Waterless Car Wash Review & Alternatives

Waterless car washes are a great tool whether you’re looking for a more eco-friendly clean or want to touch up your vehicle’s clean without getting out a bucket and hose.

These products are perfect for vehicle maintenance when you live in water-restricted areas, work well for quick cleaning, and are better for your vehicle’s wax and finish than plain water from the hose.

Yes, you read that right. Waterless car wash formulas are better for your vehicle than using regular water.

Sure, a waterless car wash product isn’t replacing a traditional car wash, wax, and detail, but they can help your vehicle look its best between washes.

As a replacement for drive-through washes that can be damaging and cause problems, like swirls in the wax and paint, while still saving money, it doesn’t get much better than a waterless car wash.

Plus, if you want to preserve the hydrophobic effects of any additional treatments on your vehicle or help prevent more dirt from sticking where the original mess landed, waterless car washes can also help boost the effectiveness of other treatments and keep them working better longer.

Black Magic Waterless Car Wash is one of the more popular waterless car washes available, but does it live up to the hype?

Let’s take a closer look at the Black Magic Waterless Car Wash, how it works, what it does well, where it falls short of the mark, and if any alternatives perform better than Black Magic.

What Makes Black Magic Waterless Car Wash Shine

Here are some of the features that make the Black Magic Waterless Car Wash great, the features and things it does best, and how it works for its users.

3 In 1 Performance

The Black Magic Waterless Car Wash earns the name because this is a waterless wash that helps keep your vehicle clean.

  1. Protects your vehicle from scratches and other forms of damage
  2. Provides a high-shine gloss that makes it look like your vehicle was professionally detailed.

All in all, Black Magic Waterless Car Wash does an excellent job of all three things. It adds gloss, provides a thin layer of protection, and is suitable for getting a small amount of dirt, debris, bird poop, or bug goo off your vehicle.

That’s a good thing for mildly dirty vehicles, but you’re better off getting out an old-fashioned bucket and hose if your vehicle is more significantly dirty.

Easy To Use

Like many waterless car washes, this formula is designed to be incredibly easy to use. You need a fair amount of the cleaner to get an effective wash, but with a good microfiber cloth, you only need to do a little more than spray on and wipe to get a cleaner vehicle.
The only challenge with this formula is that you must wipe everything down and get as much of the cleaner off your vehicle as possible. That’s because it can leave a dust-attracting residue on your vehicle, which could be better for a cleaner that’s supposed to keep dust off your vehicle.

Effective On A Wide Range Of Surfaces

The good news is that Black Magic Waterless Car Wash is a gentle but still effective formula. It would help if you had a little more of the cleaner because of how gentle it is, but that also means it’s safe for every surface on the exterior of your vehicle.

You don’t need to be careful about any surfaces, and the cleaner won’t degrade any of the surfaces of your vehicle. So this is one of the easier-to-use waterless cleaners you can get.

Prevents Hard Water Spots

Some waterless car cleaners are known for making spots more likely if you live in an area with hard water or if your vehicle gets splashed by road water while you’re on the go.

Black car with water spots stain

The good news is that Black Magic Waterless Car Wash protects your vehicle against that spot. Since hard water spots are some of the first signs that your vehicle needs a wash, this feature will help keep your vehicle clean for longer.

It Helps Protect Against Swirling And Scratching.

Swirling and scratching in your wax is one of the most frustrating signs that your vehicle needs detailing or that the coatings outside your vehicle need to be more effective.

It is another frustrating problem that Black Magic Waterless Car Wash can help solve. It’s designed to help protect the coatings and wax on your vehicle, preventing swirling and making it harder to scratch your vehicle.

You don’t need much of this formula to get an effective coating, but you should remember that Black Magic Waterless Car Wash is a car wash, first and foremost. This product isn’t a replacement for more protective coatings like a ceramic or graphene coat.

Highly Lubricated Formula Helps Prevent Washing Damage

Another significant advantage of the Black Magic Waterless Car Wash? This formula is highly lubricated, which means it’s designed to glide effortlessly over every surface without causing any friction. That means a lot less damage even than washing with water and less risk of causing micro-abrasions or other problems that invite more damage to the finish on your vehicle in the future.

Where Black Magic Waterless Car Wash Doesn’t Meet Expectations

No product is perfect, and like any other waterless car wash, there are some problems with the Black Magic Waterless Car Wash formula. Before you invest in Black Magic Waterless Car Wash, it’s essential to make sure you know where it falls short and what kinds of problems you’re likely to deal with when you’re using this product.

Streaking On Darker Vehicle Colors

Black Magic Waterless Car Wash ironically might not be a good option for black vehicles because this formula is prone to mild streaking.

The streaks are subtle enough that you may notice them on lighter vehicle colors, but if you’ve got a dark or vibrant color on your vehicle, you might go with an alternative formula.

Can Leave A Residue

The last problem with the Black Magic Waterless Car Wash formula is that it can leave a dust-attracting residue on your vehicle if you don’t get enough of the product off the vehicle while washing it.

You must wipe down the vehicle thoroughly to ensure you aren’t leaving a residue behind.

The one good thing is that Black Magic Waterless Car Wash can remove the residue it leaves on your vehicle if you need to, so if you notice a little residue left after your last wash, you can do a quick spot cleaning to deal with it.

It would be best if you used A Perfectly Clean Microfiber Cloth.

Because the Black Magic Waterless Car Wash formula can leave residue and is prone to streaking, it’s essential to make sure you’re using a clean microfiber cloth to make sure the cloth isn’t contributing to any problems you have with the cleaner.

A clean microfiber cloth would be ideal, but Black Magic Waterless Car Wash customers must be cautious about using one.

The Waterless Car Wash Alternative You Should Be Using

Looking for something that works as well as or better than Black Magic Waterless Car Wash? Look no further!

One of the best waterless car washes is Turbo Detailer’s Turbo Ceramic Waterless Detailer™. Designed to offer top-of-the-line performance and protection, like Black Magic Waterless Car Wash, this detailer helps protect your vehicle, offers superior shine, and works to keep your other coats and treatments working longer.

Here’s what you need to know:

Powerful Formula

This formula is gentle but powerful, and a little bit goes a long way. Effective for pretty dirty vehicles, even though this waterless car wash is designed for touch-ups more than a complete wash, you can still get your whole vehicle significantly cleaner when needed.

This formula only dries slowly, so it’s easier to wash your whole vehicle without worrying about drying, needing different products, or needing to work in smaller sections than you want.

Easy Application

Because Turbo Ceramic Waterless Detailer™ is designed to be effective even in small concentrations and is as easy to use as spraying on the cleaner and wiping it off with a microfiber cloth, it’s one of the most uncomplicated waterless car wash formulas to use.

No circular motions that could harm your wax or underlying finish, no scrubbing, and quicker cleaning than many of their main rivals.

Safe For Your Whole Vehicle

Because this cleaner is gentle and designed not to cause any wear and tear on any of the surfaces of your vehicle, it’s safe for use on your whole vehicle, including the windshield, tires, and any plastic parts.

That means you can clean your vehicle freely, touch up any dirty areas, and simultaneously protect any underlying coatings or protective layers.

Streak Free Formula

One of the essential advantages Turbo Ceramic Waterless Detailer™ has over Black Magic Waterless Car Wash is that this formula is completely streak-free. That’s important because this formula is safe for even the darkest vehicle colors and works well to keep your black, red, bright green, and blue vehicles looking their best.

There are many advantages to using a streak-free formula, especially since it means that you don’t have to be as careful to make sure you’re buffing the cleaner out while you use it.

Water-Repelling Booster

Most of the coatings added to a vehicle, from the wax finish to a ceramic or graphene coat, help ensure the surface repels as much water as possible from your vehicle. There is no scrubbing, no circular motions that can harm your wax or underlying finish, and cleaning takes place more quickly than with many of their main rivals.

So how does Turbo Ceramic Waterless Detailer™ help?

This detailer can help your vehicle work and perform its best much longer than the coatings alone by including hydrophobic effects in its formula.

It Helps Your Ceramic Or Graphene Coat Last Longer.

Graphene and ceramic coats are already known for offering long-lasting protection for your vehicle, but if you’re anything like most car people, you want to keep your vehicle looking good with as little effort as possible.

That’s where Turbo Ceramic Waterless Detailer™ comes in.

This formula helps protect the coatings you’re using and the vehicle beneath them, providing a thin layer of protection and helping smooth any micro-abrasions that are starting to work through the protection on your vehicle’s surface.

Anti-Static Formula Keeps Your Car Cleaner and Longer

The last reason you should be using Turbo Ceramic Waterless Detailer™? Because this formula specifically provides an anti-static later that helps actively repel dust, dirt, and other small bits of debris that can stick to your vehicle and make it dirty.

So not only does this formula help protect your coatings, help keep your vehicle clean longer, and help your vehicle shine and look its best 24/7, but it also actively reduces the kinds of messes that can stick to your vehicle and make you use more of the product.

That’s a tremendously well-rounded formula for all vehicles and car lovers of all stripes. This formula is efficient, powerful, and effective for all colors and finishes.